Weiss Serota Helfman Cole & Bierman was proud to host the February CABA panel discussion in our Miami office. The event, “The Cuban Constitution: Past, Present & Future,” was well [...]
A big congratulations to three of our prominent attorneys on the Daily Business Review’s annual Professional Excellence Awards: Broward Managing Director, Jamie Cole (Finalist for Attorney of the [...]
A recent decision from Florida’s First District Court of Appeal serves as a friendly reminder that those who own common area in homeowners associations are not treated the same as ordinary [...]
Congratulations to Firm attorney, Anne Flanigan and the Ghost Light Society for raising over $4,000 in one evening for Broward County’s art-in-education programs. Anne and several other [...]
On April 3rd, Weiss Serota Helfman Cole & Bierman hosted a breakfast panel program entitled, “Opportunity Zones-Beyond The Basics” at Morton’s in Coral Gables. Our [...]
A big congratulations to firm attorney Chanae L. Wood for being honored with the “Gator Greats Gator First Award” by the University of Florida Association of Black Alumni South Florida [...]
Firm Partners, Aleida Martinez-Molina, Eric Hockman, and firm attorney Lawrence Raab did a presentation for the Cuban Association of CPAs as part of their Annual Fiscal Seminar at the Renaissance [...]
Firm partner and Chair of the Miami-Dade County Community Relations Board, John Quick, organized an event hosted by the Community Relations Board. It was a discussion with NALEO and [...]
The Firm was proud to sponsor and attend the Palm Beach Sports Commission’s “2019 Governor’s Baseball Dinner.” The Dinner was held in West Palm Beach on February [...]