We are very proud to announce that eight of our attorneys have been named to the “2018 Best Lawyers” list. The attorneys that made the list are: Richard Jay Weiss-Government [...]
Robert Ginsburg died on Sunday August 13. He served as Miami Dade County Attorney for over 25 years and was the dean of municipal lawyers in Florida. Richard Weiss, Mitch Bierman and Cliff [...]
Susan Trevarthen, a Member and Chair of the Firm’s Public Land Use Practice; participated in a Legislative Panel Luncheon for the Broward Section of the Florida Chapter of the American [...]
Chair of our Corporate Department, Marc Solomon participated in a panel presentation with Wells Fargo Private Bank on November 1st in Boca Raton. The Panel was entitled, [...]
Member Mitchell Bierman was on WIOD Radio – The Brian Mudd Show – at 11:05 am on Tuesday, October 31, 2017, discussing transportation issues in South Florida. Mr. Bierman is the former [...]
It was an honor to have some of our attorneys attend the St. Thomas More Society of South Florida’s 29th Annual Red Mass Reception and Dinner at the Pier 66 Hotel on May 15th. Pictured are [...]
In the aftermath of natural disasters such as Hurricane Irma, local governments may be eligible to receive reimbursement for labor costs directly related to a natural disaster under the [...]
Congratulations to attorney Alicia Gonzalez on being named Director on the Board of the Broward County Hispanic Bar Association. Alicia was honored at the BCHBA Annual Gala on June 2 at [...]
Weiss Serota Helfman Cole & Bierman’s Roger Kobert (pictured with incoming International Law Section President Hon. Mimi Tsankov and outgoing President Brian Murphy) and Anne Reilly [...]
A number of our attorneys were proud to show up to support the United Way Miami-Dade Chapter at the 2018 Veritage Miami 8th Annual Associate Legal Mingle. Pictured from Left to Right are [...]