We are thrilled to report that several WSHPC&B attorneys were selected as Best Lawyers in America for 2012 in their area of practice. Mitchell A. Bierman – Government Relations. [...]
Today, in a much anticipated decision for local governments, the Third District Court of Appeal ruled that the City of Aventura’s red light camera program, operated pursuant to its police and [...]
The Act continues to require local governments to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. For the first time, urban sprawl has been defined in the Community Planning Act, as: “a development [...]
WSHPC&B attorney Timothy M. Ravich has been invited to join the faculty of the American Bar Association’s Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section’s Aviation and Space Law [...]
On September 16, 2011, Florida’s Fifth District Court of Appeal handed down a decision with substantial significance for out-of-state corporations doing business or looking to do [...]
This is the first in a series of blog entries focusing on particular aspects of the 2011 Community Planning Act. (See House Bill 7207, enacted by the 2011 Florida Legislature to reform the 1985 [...]
Edward G. Guedes, Susan L. Trevarthen and Jamie A. Cole teamed together to prepare and file an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the Florida League of Cities at the Florida Supreme Court. The [...]
On Monday, Florida Supreme Court Justice Charles Canady issued an Order terminating the state’s mandatory foreclosure program. Citing the program’s abysmal success rate, Justice Canady wrote that [...]
On October 3, the Supreme Court returned to the bench for its 2011-2012 term. Although the caseload for the term is usually finalized in February, the Court already has forty-nine appeals on its [...]
The Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) as you have known it is dead. In its place is a requirement that local governments evaluate, every seven years, whether changes to the comprehensive plan [...]