Member and Chair of the Labor & Employment Department, Brett Schneider was a presenter at the HRABC 2016 Legal Seminar at Nova University on May 6. Brett’s presentation was [...]
Member & the Chair of the Labor and Employment Practice Group, Brett Schneider presented at a workshop for elected officials at the Palm Beach League of Cities on April 27th. [...]
Managing Director Jamie Cole, Partner John Quick, and Associate Adam Schwartzbaum were successful in a major and important lawsuit today regarding governmental powers in Collier [...]
Member, Susan Trevarthen participated in the Florida Bar Environmental and Land Use Law Section 2015-16 Audio Webcast Series on December 10, 2015. Susan was part of the webcast entitled, [...]
On Friday, January 29th-Partners Josh Krut and Michael Kurzman participated in a program for the Aventura Marketing Council entitled, “Association Update for Condo, HOA Managers [...]
Congratulations to Partner & Chair of our International Practice Group, Roger Kobert, on being re-elected for 2016-2017 as Treasurer of the Federal Bar Association’s International Law [...]
Member Susan L. Trevarthen, FAICP, spoke at APA Florida’s Public Policy Workshop in Tallahassee, Florida on February 3rd. She gave an update on Reed v. Town of Gilbert, Arizona, the US [...]
On March 3, 2016, Founding Member Joseph Serota, Partner Eric Hockman, and Associate Anne Reilly obtained a trial victory on behalf of the City of Homestead, Florida, in a lease and [...]
On October 1, 2015, the Florida Supreme Court affirmed the circuit court’s decision to validate the Clean Energy Coastal Corridor (the “Coastal Corridor”) bonds, which are to be issued in order [...]
Partners Chad Friedman (Co-Chair, Environment & Land Use Committee of the Dade County Bar Association) and Eric Hockman (Co-Chair, Government & Relations Committee of the Dade County [...]