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Condominium Associations are tasked with a difficult assignment.  They want to
keep the condo running smoothly, while keeping residents and unit owners happy and still complying with laws and bylaws.  No simple assignment.

Whether the subject is expressing religious freedom with a mezuzah or  handling elections of the board, a lawyer who knows condo law inside and out is an essential element of association business.   For example, many don’t know that condo owners do not typically own the doors and door frames to their units.   These are usually common elements.  So hanging a mezuzah could indicate and a material change and require a vote.  However, the Florida Legislature has protected the right of owners to affix mezuzahs to their door frames within certain sensible parameters.

Similarly, holiday displays on doors and balconies lie under the same common area rules, but again, within reason, these expressions of religious freedom are protected. 

Joshua Krut is Chair of the firm’s Community Association, Club & Resort Practice Group.  This is the kind of insight which is frequently sought-after to provide.   His experience and knowledge have been invaluable to condo and homeowner associations.   They know they can’t go it alone.  Precise advice from someone who knows the intricacies of the law helps them run the association wisely and avoid big problems.  

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