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WSHC+B attorneys Haydee Sera and Candice Balmori were re-elected to leadership positions with the Board of Directors at the Cuban American Bar Association (CABA), serving as Vice President and Secretary, respectively.

CABA is a non-profit voluntary bar association founded in 1974 by lawyers of Cuban descent. CABA’s members include judges, lawyers, and law students of all backgrounds interested in issues affecting the Cuban community and broader legal and human rights issues impacting minority communities. 

As a partner in WSHC+B’s Government Division and Municipal Land Use Practice Group, Haydee represents municipalities on a broad range of issues such as contracts, elections, ethics, public records, procurement, and sunshine law compliance. In that capacity, Haydee drafts and reviews proposed legislation, resolutions, and agreements on a variety of matters, always with an understanding of the broader implications of her clients’ interests. Haydee also provides counsel to elected officials on legal matters, including compliance with state and local ethics laws. She has served on CABA’s Board of Directors since 2018 and as co-vice president. 

As the daughter and granddaughter of Cuban political exiles, Candice has a unique appreciation for the critical nexus between democratic institutions and community engagement. Candice counsels municipalities on a broad array of matters impacting local governments, including counseling on contracts, compliance with public records, sunshine, and ethics laws. She regularly drafts government contracts and resolutions, tracks legislation, and assists with the preparation and implementation of various municipal regulations. She has been a member of CABA since 2013 and has served on the Board of Directors since 2019. 

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