Public Sector Land Conveyances
Government Division
We have a long history of representing municipalities throughout Florida in the acquisition, sale, exchange, development, leasing and financing of public land. Asa former city and county attorneys, our attorneys understand the unique challenges faced by local governments, including demanding constituents, affordable housing concerns, and the stress infrastructure and capital Improvements bring.
We have particular experience with public/private partnership transactions, which have become increasingly popular as an effective way to build major infrastructure projects, expand public services and generate revenue. We assist with acquisition, development and financing of property for public purposes, including parks, schools, recreational facilities, town halls, police stations, libraries, utilities and right-of-way acquisitions, to name a few.
Leveraging our lawyers from various departments within the firm, we provide top-level legal advice throughout the development process, anticipating the municipalities and developers’ needs.
Our Insight
Perform essential due diligence and site investigations and review titles closely for any potential restrictions on the land.