Wireless and Telecommunications
Property Division
Wireless Facilities, Telecommunications, Smart Cities and the Internet of Things
In case you hadn’t noticed, everything is wireless now. Our firm has been part of the telecommunications revolution for the past 30 years — from cable television regulation in the 80’s, to tower installations in the 90’s, to small cells and distributive antenna systems in the 2000’s to now, where cities are introducing “smart” services for everything from traffic management and public safety to solid waste and emergency response. All of this change is undergirded by a robust wireless infrastructure.
We have helped the nation’s leading carriers, vendors, and trade associations, as well as cities and property owners work through myriad regulatory and business obstacles to develop into one of the most vibrant and critically important segments of the global economy. We have been a leading partner in handling all aspects of local regulatory policies that affect all aspects of radio spectrum usage.
We also have broad experience representing communications companies in negotiations and disputes over the rates and terms of access to utility poles, underground conduits, streetlights, and other infrastructure owned by power companies, electric cooperatives, and municipalities. We overcome local roadblocks to deployment through negotiations with local authorities and, when necessary, litigation. We help speed the deployment of facilities in rights-of-way by negotiating, litigating, and supporting regulatory changes on issues relating to pole-top access, rental rates and access fees, make-ready timelines, and local zoning restrictions.
Our lawyers have expertise in all areas of wireless communications and have the knowledge and relationships with local government to ensure the smooth implementation of new technology. Whether government is the customer for your smart city product or the authority regulating your deployment, or your P3 partner, our understanding of the industry, the technology, the governments and the communities they serve are keys to success in a competitive and volatile market.
We team with engineering professionals, planners and architects who possess significant government, policy, and litigation experience to form client teams that know the legal, technical, and operational issues wireless companies face today. Since many of our attorneys also serve as counsel to local governments, we know the issues from the government side and we have unmatched credibility when addressing city commissions, professional staff and government attorneys. In short, they trust us because they know we can speak to their concerns.
Our capabilities include:
- 5G
- 5 GHz
- Adult Content
- Advertising
- Cybersecurity
- Enforcement
- Federal/State Preemption
- Health Effects
- Intercarrier Compensation
- Interconnection & Commercial Agreements
- Legislation
- Licensing/Fee Issues
- Land Use and Zoning, Code Amendments, Variances
- Leasing of Public and Private Property
- Litigation, State, Federal and Administrative
- Net Neutrality & Title II Reclassification of Wireless Broadband
- PrivacyPrivate Radio
- Government Procurement and P3 Agreements
- Public Safety
- Rights-of-Way Regulation
- Social Media
- State Activities
- Tower and Small Cell Siting
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Mitchell A. Bierman Partner, Chair of Airports and Aviation Services Group; Miami office Managing Director