Eric P. Hockman – Weiss Serota Helfman Cole + Bierman At the Crossroads of Business, Government & the Law Thu, 19 Sep 2024 14:06:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Anthony Soroka featured in Sun Sentinel Article Regarding a Dispute Between the City of Deerfield Beach and a Beachfront Restaurant. Thu, 19 Sep 2024 14:06:08 +0000 WSHC+B partner Anthony Soroka was recently featured in an article by the Sun Sentinel regarding a dispute between the City of Deerfield Beach and a beachfront restaurant. The dispute centers around the city’s eviction of The Deerfield Beach Cafe, whose lease is set to expire in October. Partner Eric Hockman, the lead litigator in this […]

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WSHC+B partner Anthony Soroka was recently featured in an article by the Sun Sentinel regarding a dispute between the City of Deerfield Beach and a beachfront restaurant. The dispute centers around the city’s eviction of The Deerfield Beach Cafe, whose lease is set to expire in October.

Partner Eric Hockman, the lead litigator in this case, and Anthony have worked on behalf of the city to ensure the restaurant honors the terms of their lease as new tenants are set to occupy the location starting November 1st. Quoted in the article, Anthony states, “The city has been successful with the hearings we’ve had thus far, we’ve won every single one.”

Anthony provides counsel to local governments, businesses, and community associations. He serves as City Attorney for the City of Deerfield Beach and Parkland, and Assistant City Attorney for Weston. He has served as counsel on charter review committees, municipal code reviews, and business tax advisory boards and has drafted government contracts, legislative items, and administrative policies.

Eric’s practice focuses on complex and technical litigation matters involving business, government, and individuals. He handles challenging code enforcement matters on behalf of municipalities and has successfully litigated dozens of cases in creative ways.

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WSHC+B Partner Eric Hockman Appointed to Florida Bar AI Tools & Resources Special Committee Fri, 05 Jul 2024 15:12:13 +0000 Congratulations to WSHC+B partner Eric Hockman who has been appointed to The Florida Bar’s AI Tools & Resources Special Committee. The Special Committee on AI Tools & Resources advises the Board of Governors on adopting and effectively using AI in legal practice. It examines how AI tools interact with current bar rules, how they may […]

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Congratulations to WSHC+B partner Eric Hockman who has been appointed to The Florida Bar’s AI Tools & Resources Special Committee.

The Special Committee on AI Tools & Resources advises the Board of Governors on adopting and effectively using AI in legal practice. It examines how AI tools interact with current bar rules, how they may change legal practice, and how they can improve access to justice. The committee also identifies AI tools for lawyers and provides education, communication, and resources to ensure that lawyers understand the benefits of AI while maintaining their duty of independent judgment.

“Being appointed to The Florida Bar’s AI Tools & Resources Special Committee is an incredible honor. AI represents the cutting edge of technology and its potential to revolutionize the legal profession is immense,” said Eric Hockman. “I am thrilled to help lead this new frontier, ensuring that we harness AI’s capabilities to enhance the legal practice while upholding the profession’s core values and ethical standards.”

Eric’s practice focuses on complex and technical litigation matters involving business, government, and individuals. He is also the firm’s Information Technology Partner, responsible for all of the firm’s practice management applications, data storage needs, and data security.

Learn more about the Special Committee on AI Tools & Resources here:

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Eric P. Hockman discusses aviation labor contracts and wage structures for flight attendants Mon, 01 Aug 2022 18:41:28 +0000 WSHC+B partner Eric P. Hockman spoke to ConsumerAffairs about the dilemma flight attendants are facing regarding payment structures implemented by major airlines and the complexities surrounding their labor contracts that contribute to a discrepancy between wages earned and hours worked.  “It is possible for a labor contract at an air carrier to pay employees, such […]

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WSHC+B partner Eric P. Hockman spoke to ConsumerAffairs about the dilemma flight attendants are facing regarding payment structures implemented by major airlines and the complexities surrounding their labor contracts that contribute to a discrepancy between wages earned and hours worked. 

“It is possible for a labor contract at an air carrier to pay employees, such as flight attendants, for all their work, including tasks performed before ‘flight time’ begins. But the contracts have not developed this way because there is no 9 to 5 schedule for flight crews and no reasonable way to create a ‘shift,’” Eric explained. 

A former pilot and 12-year veteran of the airline industry, Eric elaborated stating, “Flight crews simply can’t work an 8-hour, continuous shift (except on long, overseas flights), and they don’t ‘punch a clock’… they are paid for flight hours, the same way pilots are paid, because it’s a verifiable period and easy for airlines to track.”

Eric is a commercial litigator with deep knowledge about the aviation industry. His experience working as a pilot, a certified flight instructor with instrument endorsement, a certified airframe & powerplant technician, and a heavy maintenance manager, gives him a unique perspective when practicing aviation law.  

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WSHC+B’s municipal, zoning and planning, and litigation teams come together to represent the Town of Surfside Wed, 18 May 2022 18:37:50 +0000 WSHC+B’s municipal, zoning and planning, and litigation teams came together to represent the Town of Surfside after the horrific tragedy of the Champlain Towers South condominium collapse. The firm is incredibly proud of WSHC+B partners Lily Arango, the Surfside Town Attorney, and Tony Recio, who heads the firm’s private land use and zoning practice, who […]

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WSHC+B’s municipal, zoning and planning, and litigation teams came together to represent the Town of Surfside after the horrific tragedy of the Champlain Towers South condominium collapse.

The firm is incredibly proud of WSHC+B partners Lily Arango, the Surfside Town Attorney, and Tony Recio, who heads the firm’s private land use and zoning practice, who both dedicated countless hours working with officials on a plan of action in the days, weeks, and months after the catastrophe. And when the impending litigation arose, WSHC+B litigators Eric Hockman and Joe Serota stepped in as part of the team of attorneys who negotiated the nearly $1 billion in settlements, a result that presiding Judge Michael Hanzman called “beyond extraordinary.”

Eric spoke with several media outlets about the stunning settlement result. He told Law360 that Judge Michael Hanzman “was pushing everybody really, really hard. He really did a tremendous job. This case belonged in front of him.”

Judge Hanzman, who had no advanced warning that the victims’ attorneys would announce the resolution of their claims against dozens of entities for $997 million, was “at a loss for words.” But then he added, “The result that has been achieved in this case and the speed with which it has been achieved is beyond extraordinary. If the right people were not running this case, this could have turned into a decade-long slog.”

Eric elaborated to Law360, “This is one of those cases where the last thing in the world you want to happen is to have a jury decide that your client is at fault for this terrible tragedy. It’s far better to buy your peace and deny liability than have a jury say you caused this. For a lot of insurers, keeping their clients’ exposure down within policy limits is a good, strategic choice.”

Once the settlements are approved, the parties’ investigations into the cause of the collapse will cease, although Eric said Surfside will continue its contract with structural engineer and collapse expert, Allyn Kilsheimer. Despite objections from some of the participants, Judge Hanzman concluded that Surfside was entitled to continue its investigation into the cause of the collapse.

Our hearts go out to the families of the victims as we approach the painful anniversary of this tragedy.

Click here to read the full Law360 article.

Click here to read the Miami Herald article.

Click here to see CBS Miami’s coverage of the news.

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Mitch A. Bierman and Eric Hockman Comment on NFT Litigation as New Source of Revenue Thu, 15 Apr 2021 18:15:06 +0000 In an article published by the Daily Business Review, Mitch A. Bierman and Eric Hockman commented on the latest crypto craze, nonfungible tokens (NFT). The new trend was prompted by individuals investing in digital files on blockchain, the record-keeping technology behind digital currency networks and a subject that has little to no governing legal precedents. […]

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In an article published by the Daily Business Review, Mitch A. Bierman and Eric Hockman commented on the latest crypto craze, nonfungible tokens (NFT). The new trend was prompted by individuals investing in digital files on blockchain, the record-keeping technology behind digital currency networks and a subject that has little to no governing legal precedents.

Eric and Mitch predicted a future in which NFTs and the platforms on which they are sold will be regulated similar to existing commodities markets. This could mean the marketplaces would be subject to trade and anti-money laundering regulations, and issues would arise regarding which jurisdiction’s laws will govern, given that purchasing an NFT in many cases requires only an internet connection to facilitate the purchase with a credit card or Bitcoin.

“The problem for courts and people, in general is it is an unregulated industry,” Eric said. “Most lawyers don’t have any idea how this works, but a lot of this stuff dates back to current law. NFTs are purely electronic creations, and there should be a way to buy and sell those things to people who want to collect them.”

Click here to read the full article.

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Eric Hockman Elected Vice-President of the Dade County Bar Association Thu, 02 Jul 2020 17:10:00 +0000 Partner Eric Hockman has been elected to serve as Vice-President of the Dade County Bar Association (DCBA) for the 2020-2021 term.  Eric has previously held various leadership positions within DCBA, including Secretary and Board member. He has been an active member of the DCBA since 2012. Officers will be officially installed in their positions at […]

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Partner Eric Hockman has been elected to serve as Vice-President of the Dade County Bar Association (DCBA) for the 2020-2021 term.  Eric has previously held various leadership positions within DCBA, including Secretary and Board member. He has been an active member of the DCBA since 2012.

Officers will be officially installed in their positions at the 104th Installation Gala tentatively scheduled to take place on August 29, 2020, at the Mandarin Oriental Miami.

About the DCBA
The Dade County Bar Association is the largest voluntary bar association in Florida and the voice for Miami-Dade County’s diverse legal community. The DCBA, with its 33 sections, committees and divisions, provides its members with education and tools to expand and enrich their practices. Click here to learn more about the DCBA.

Click here for more from Attorney At Law Magazine.

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Eric Hockman & Eric Kay Installed to New Positions at DCBA Gala Sun, 30 Jun 2019 01:45:20 +0000 Congratulations to firm partner Eric Hockman and firm attorney Eric Kay for their recent installation on the board of the Dade County Bar Association. Mr. Hockman was installed as Secretary, following his immediate past term as Treasurer.  Mr. Kay was installed as a new member of the Board.  This swearing in took place at the […]

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Congratulations to firm partner Eric Hockman and firm attorney Eric Kay for their recent installation on the board of the Dade County Bar Association. Mr. Hockman was installed as Secretary, following his immediate past term as Treasurer.  Mr. Kay was installed as a new member of the Board.  This swearing in took place at the DCBA Annual Installation on June 15th in Miami.  Attorneys from the Firm who attended from left to right were: Elizabeth Coppelecchia, Eric Kay, Eric Hockman, Aleida Martinez Molina, Joseph Serota, Laura Wendell, and Mitch Burnstein.

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Weiss Serota Helfman Cole & Bierman Sponsors “4th Annual CABA Night with the Marlins” Thu, 30 May 2019 01:50:26 +0000 Weiss Serota Helfman Cole & Bierman was happy to sponsor and attend the “4th Annual CABA Night with the Marlins.”  The event held at Marlins Park benefited the CABA Pro Bono Project.  Firm member Lilly Arango, firm partners Eric Hockman and Dan Espino, and firm attorney and CABA Board Member Haydee Sera all attended the […]

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Weiss Serota Helfman Cole & Bierman was happy to sponsor and attend the “4th Annual CABA Night with the Marlins.”  The event held at Marlins Park benefited the CABA Pro Bono Project.  Firm member Lilly Arango, firm partners Eric Hockman and Dan Espino, and firm attorney and CABA Board Member Haydee Sera all attended the event.

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Dan Espino Sworn in as Board Member of South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Thu, 30 May 2019 01:50:26 +0000 Congratulations to firm partner Dan Espino on being sworn in as a member of the Board of Directors of the South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.  Dan was inducted on May 11th at the Chamber’s 25th Anniversary Gala in Coconut Grove.  Also attending were firm member Lillian Arango, firm partners Eric Hockman, Ed Soto, Aleida […]

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Congratulations to firm partner Dan Espino on being sworn in as a member of the Board of Directors of the South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.  Dan was inducted on May 11th at the Chamber’s 25th Anniversary Gala in Coconut Grove.  Also attending were firm member Lillian Arango, firm partners Eric Hockman, Ed Soto, Aleida Martinez-Molina and firm attorney Haydee Sera.

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Eric Hockman & Eric Kay Successful in DCBA Election Thu, 30 May 2019 01:45:20 +0000 Congratulations to firm partner Eric Hockman on his election as Secretary of the Dade County Bar Association.  Eric previously served as DCBA Treasurer.  Congratulations also to firm attorney Eric Kay, for being named a Director at the DCBA.

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Congratulations to firm partner Eric Hockman on his election as Secretary of the Dade County Bar Association.  Eric previously served as DCBA Treasurer.  Congratulations also to firm attorney Eric Kay, for being named a Director at the DCBA.

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